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8am on a Saturday

It's 8am, it's Saturday, I went out last night but I am awake. Why you may ask, am I awake? Well the answer is simple, I live in a Town-house complex and apparently they don't like people sleeping in town-house complexes.You see the joy of living in a town-house complex such as mine is that you share a wall with your neighbour. I am not talking about a perimeter wall, I'm talking about a shared living room, bedroom, bathroom wall. My moronic neighbour seems to dislike me because at 7:30am this morning he decided it was a good time to start drilling and grinding and hammering on this shared wall. I am sure that he loves the fact that his Saturday has started out being productive. But how about being silently productive? Pray, walk around the house, use the internet, phone, radio, cook, clean, wash, have sex, noisy sex if you like, JUST DON'T FUCKING DRILL AND GRIND AT 8AM IN THE MORNING!