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Corporate Adjustment - The Cubicle

I am working in an open-plan office and currently sitting in a cubicle with low walls and absolutely zero privacy.I don't mind this at all and in fact, it is quite refreshing to know that I have many minds around me to help me if I need assistance of any sort.The leap from entrepreneur to corporate employee is a massive one. One that I don't think I was quite prepared for. Not in the bad way that makes you want to jump out of the window, but in the good way that makes you realise that sometimes autonomous work is NOT the most productive work one can do.I am sure now that it is admirable to want to own the world at the tender age of 23 or so, but it is often not realistic. Sometimes one needs the experience that the corporate world offers to reach a personal potential.I think that I have loads to learn and loads more insight in to the corporate cubicle world through the eyes of an entrepreneur.