Customizing your wordpress theme

I love Wordpress. I really do. I love designing themes and customizing ones that I have implemented.My favourite part about the themes that I have created for myself and others is the tiny little changes in detail that one can make. Attention to detail is imperative if you ask me.Let me explain. When I write a comment on someones post and then continue reading the thread, I like to know who the author is of the post and read their comments specifically. This can be done but often isn't be designers.When submitting comments I really am bored with pressing the "Submit" button. It's really not very hard to change something like that. SA Rocks features a "Rock It Hard" button in place of the standard "Submit". This makes me slightly more keen to ROCK IT HARD when I submit a post.Doing this is easy: Simply go in to your comment.php file and search for the word "Submit" (or whatever your submit button says.Then in that string of code: [input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" tabindex="5" value="Submit"] <-- that part of the code is what you want to change.For SA Rocks I changed it to: [input name="submit" type="submit" id="submit" tabindex="5" value="Rock It Hard!"]There you have it. Obviously changing the actual image behind the text is a bit more complicated (not too much more). But the text is a good place to start I fell.There are many other little changed you can make to a theme to make it more interesting for the viewer. One of my personal favourites is changing the Login/Register Wordpress default look to one that matches your theme. If you want an EG of that visit SA Rocks. If you want me to explain how to do that, let me know in the comment section below.PS: I haven't changed the "submit" button on this blog yet. Tsk Tsk.


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