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Locally Hosted SA Site Will Not Succeed

There is a very good reason for this I might add, it has to do with expensive and ineffective hosting packages offered.SA Rocks is now down due to exceeding of bandwidth limits. Brilliant. So what hosting organisations in SA are saying is they are happy to take our money but will only let our sites run up to 2GB per month of bandwidth. What rubbish.There is no promotion of success, no assistance to become a prominent website, it is as if hosts just don't want to see local sites succeed. Why, why is it not possible, what is wrong with this damn industry?I am now forced to either pay 9c per mb over 2GB, or host internationally, both are lose lose for me. Does anyone have any fast and effective suggestions?Update: My hosts have been extremely gracious and increased my bandwidth for the last days of this month. What nice guys/girls!