Microsoft Hardware turns 25 this year

I have been invited to take part in Microsoft Hardware's 25th, the big 2-5.There are various reasons for me deciding to partake in the event, being a Mac user and all. I am interested to see what an event of this sort brings about. What exactly does one do at the 25th birthday of some hardware?Are they going to unveil some sort of development or simply entertain some people for a period of time and in return expect them to promote the birthday bash?Nonetheless I am attending the event and today received this little gem in the post:cupcake.jpgIt's a cupcake. I don't think that I am going to be eating it, I don't know when they sent it to me, but one can only guess that they thought about it and it's safe to eat.


links for 2007-09-10


Things I've learnt in the past two weeks