One Day of Silence For The USA, How Many For Africa?

I just read on Tylers' blog about a call for one day of silence on April 30th for those who dies in Virginia.Forget it. I outright refuse to observe this. I am saddened by the event as I have stated already but refuse to acknowledge this American rubbish. Why should I in Africa observe a day of non-blogging or "silence" for 30 Americans who died at the hands of one of their own? It is shameful what that freaking psychopath did but I am in South Africa, I am trying to make sense of the thousands, hundreds of thousands that die everyday in Africa and other countries because of trade restraints, Western Capitalists exploiting the people of Africa and others who have tried to take over countries around the world such as Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Vietnam.What about those people? What about the millions of innocents that America has trudge on to get what they want, to gain political, economical and geographical strength? Please. Keep your silence of one day and try taking it on for all of those innocent people that have been massacred by Westerners over the years.I am sorry that I am ranting but it really pisses me off when ignorance meets tragedy and more ignorance ensues. Get a grip on the world America, learn where Africa is, figure out your history and feel the pain of the millions that have suffered at the hands of your apparent "fight for freedom".


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