Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Amatomu is taking a smoke break

Some people have noticed that Amatomu is down and has been for a few days. This is true, Vincent twittered this fact and asked that we all be patient. As a dedicated Amatomu user I must admit I am having withdrawal symptoms.The simple, short and sweet reason for this is that we have relocated Amatomu to Afrihost as our host of choice. Gian was quick to jump at the chance to host the site and saw it as a challenge. He's probably right. His team have been helpful with the move but it has taken slightly longer than expected.Some sites may be experiencing slow loading of their templates. Removing the tracking code might or might not be a quick fix for the problem but issues from our side will be resolved soon and then you'll simply have to place the code back in to your template.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Is Afrihost trying to take over SA ISP?

It seems to me that Afrihost is actively seeking out website and organisations to host. I just received an unbelievably irritating mass email from hellopeter (that I haven't had the time to unsubscribe from) telling all their users that they are moving to Afrihost after being approached.afrihost.jpgHmmmmm... makes me wonder. To be honest, I love afrihost (how's about some free hosting?) and since I moved SA Rocks on to their server I have had nothing but great service and little downtime, in fact, in the entire year so far I have had nearly close to 3 hours of downtime - off peak.So maybe it is worth trying if they are going to make the effort. Could Afrihost be the turn of cheap hosting in SA? Let's bring the blog back to SA!!This is an open call to Gian Visser, the CEO of Afrihost, to get a cheap, local alternative for blogs to make use of for hosting options.

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