Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

I'm not ready for kids

My girlfriend will be so ecstatic to read this blog post. But I am not ready for kids, there you go babe! I said it.alex.jpgMy cousins are staying at my house this week. I am Greek and therefore have many cousins so let me elaborate. My aunt (my mother's sister) has three kids. Two girls, 14 and 16, and one boy - a laatlammetjie - who is 3.I have blogged about them before I do believe, have a read if you like.Alex seems to think that he can do what he pleases being the youngest of the lot. And more often than not it seems as though he manages to get away with it all! Not when I'm around, not when he's throwing things at my Mac. No one messes with the Mac.And right there and right then I realised that I am not ready for children. The scariest part of the thought process is knowing that at my age (23) my mother had me and me brother already and was running a household. No way, not a chance, thanks but no thanks.I am sure that it's different when it is actually your kids and don't get me wrong, I love my cousins dearly and would do anything for them and to protect them, but wow, I am not ready for kids.The house is a shambles, there are more toys on the floor than tiles in my house. There are clothes everywhere, the house pangs with the scent of teenage hormones and the female presence is now overriding the male presence in my house. This is not a usual situation for me as I am used to having one female for every three males in my house. It is now the other way round. Too much for me thank you.But again, I am sure that it's different when it's your kid that is making a mess of things because then you are obligated and responsible to clean up their mess whether you like it or not. I am not and happily so. Thank you very much I'll be wise and I'll condomise, I suggest you do the same if you agree with me on this one!

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Pronto Condoms

Before it's over, it's that's fast.What an unbelievably freakin' brilliant product/concept. A Pronto Condom is an easy on condom. I think this is one of the best sexual inventions that has come out since sex itself (nothing beats sex).This little condom makes life easy on everyone. You get it up, you get things moving, you get ready, wait, you need to rip the packet open, figure out which way is up and manage the slippery side of life. Then it's finally on and things aren't 'happening' if you catch my drift. So this little packet o' joy makes using a condom easy.Then there is the added joy of logic: If the condom is easy to use, more people will use them. Simple. And what an amazing ad campaign the above movie is!Check out the Pronto Condom website now, order online or buy them at any major Pharmacy nation wide (Excl Clicks).

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