Nic’s blog
I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.
Words To Live and Love By:
"If you care for someone you don't hide food from them."
I was talking to someone today who said the above words. When cooking at home Person A will hide food from Partner before Partner arrives so that the food is left for people who she cares for.So: If you care for someone you don't hide food from them.
She's Coming Home

Four days (incl. Sunday) until Jen comes home. I cannot wait. It has been close on 9 months that we have been doing long distance. I can confidently say that this has been one of the most difficult things that I have ever done. It is also easily one of the most rewarding. Knowing that in four days our nine months of patience and care will pay off with a feeling of euphoria and nirvana. What joy. Love is a fantastic fuck up! I love it.
This is it
Here it is, my last post for two weeks... maybe.
I am now going to get ready for my flight. I have extended my flickr badge on the right so that more pictures are displayed. I will hopefully be moblogging my trip so check it out to see some photos of me and jen and our trip.
Thats it from me. Shutter closed.
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