Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

MyDigitalLife blogs put me off

I really struggle to MyDigitalLife (MyDL) blogs. It's not the blogs themselves or the bloggers, it's the fact that on Amatomu all MyDL blogs appear with a single author, MyDigitalLife. Immediately that puts me off.I have glanced over and ignored countless posts by MyDL bloggers for this reason. In stark contrast, I enjoy reading Iblogs, Amagama and other who have individual authors listed on Amatomu.The reason? I think that it is due to the fact that in my mind it appears as if MyDL is trying to own the content of all their blogs and thus alter editorial content.I was asked to post SA Rocks posts on MyDL a while ago. I started using the service and received little to no feedback. I then noticed my current issue with them on Amatomu and have yet to post another SA Rocks post on MyDL.Simply put, bloggers on MyDL need to take back their blogs.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Click-A-Lot, Triple Your Cash

So I am a content buddy at mydigitallife (MyDL) and have been submitting content from SA Rocks for a few weeks now. I've been slack.I've been slack up until today that is. Today is "click-a-lot" day at MyDL. That means:

The “click-a-lot” day, will take place today 12 June – all day…This means three times your money…This will be for, not only original content written on the day but also reads on all your stories written to date. Therefore watch for your Author Dashboard and tonight all your hits accumulated today will be multiplied by 3!

I have just submitted a boat load of content to my blog at MyDL. Can't imagine why. Get over there, click my blogs, make me rich. Now. Do It.P.S: I still haven't figured out how I am going to claim back this cash.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Is MyDigitalLife Tripling 10c Payment?

I have been hearing some kind of rumour regarding my post yesterday about MyDigitalLife (MyDL) paying authors. Yesterday I spoke of 10c per page view, now I hear that sometime next week any author will be receiving triple the payment per page view. That means that per click/pageview on any of your posts as an Author at MyDL you will receive 30c instead of 10c.This, as far as I know is still just a rumour. I am trying to get Townboy to speak up and make some kind of commitment either way, but nothing. If this is true that means a tidy little some of money for SA Rocks at MyDL next week.If you aren't an Author or even a member at MyDL yet then I suggest, just in case, you get to their site and have a look around. 30c per pageview in payment is not a bad offer at all, if it's true.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Earn Cash Per Page Impression

MyDigitalLife (MyDL) has recently started a programme that allows verified authors on their website to earn 10c per page impression. This is a brilliant idea.I don't believe that it will be particularly lucrative to begin with, however I think that the concept is an excellent one that will promote the correct approach to citizen journalism and blogging.Townboy is the townplanner at MyDL and says that the payment initiative is meant to incentivise people to become better bloggers and potential citizen journalists who are paid for their stories by MyDL.Not everyone is an author on MyDL and only authors are able to receive the per page impression payment. Most of the members at MyDL are regular bloggers who blog for the enjoyment. Yet, there is a movement towards improved content from specific users who show promise in their writing skills. These users can become authors on MyDL and begin earning some pocket change!The cash that is earned is paid back to authors in sums of R50, I am still figuring out how and when that payment is received. I have begun submitting SA Rocks content to MyDL. So keep a look out and see what you think about the concept. I have also made some suggestions to Townboy about making the process more simple to integrate between someone's original blog and their MyDL blog or contribution area.If you have any thoughts post them here and I will alert Townboy of them.

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