Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

27 Dinner Time

It is almost that time again. The 27 Dinner!With about an hour to go, my 'speech' is still semi-complete and in a bit of a shambles, but I am hoping things will come together. After the Cape Town reviews one needs to be somewhat careful about talking at a 27 dinner. It's also not like the crowd is small. With over 100 people registered for the event there is much to be concerned about.I am simply going to try to keep things short, sweet and effective. I am also hoping to capture the crowds with my dazzling wit and incredible looks (uhu).If you are one of the lucky people attending I will see you there. As Mike mentioned in his post today, I am the dude with lots of facial hair and mostly likely to be sitting by the bar if there is one! Lets hope SA Rocks goes down well.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

The Citizen, Mike Stopforth and SA Rocks

Mike Stopforth writes a column for the citizen. I think Mikes a great guy and knows what he's talking about, so with that in mind, go and read his column. This week Mike went out of his way to make mention of SA Rocks. Thanks Mike, lets get those offline people online this week!

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Good content, niche markets and interesting angles

I have read many posts from many bloggers who claim to know how to create a successful blog. Much of the time I think that these guys are losers who have nothing better to do than to tell other people how to run their blogs. Not so.For the first time today I realised that the success of a blog depends on the content and concept behind the content. After only starting SA Rocks 10 days ago I officially reached the same Technorati rank as I have been maintaining this blog for over 13 months and within 10 days SA Rocks has equaled the achievements of my personal blog.In my little tiny blogging brain this has proven to me that you can be the best damn writer in the world (which I am not) and still have no one read your blog. It's about niche markets, good content, interesting angles and meeting the needs of a market. SA Rocks does just this while is me blabbing on about my daily life and rubbish, which many millions of bloggers are doing.Learn your lessons now; if you want readers, think about your angle and plot things accordingly.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous launches today

After much debate about domains, hosts, servers, content, themes, blogging tool and other issues, SA Rocks is ready to be introduced to be launched.The principal behind is to create positive hype around South Africa. I feel that there are enough websites and people constantly saying negative things about South Africa, it's time for a positive representation of our country and and anyone is invited to contribute their positive stories, photos, lines or words about South Africa. Please visit the blog, spread the word and the positivity.

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