Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

EU leaders are wussies...exept for Gordon Brown

robert-mugabe_gordon-brown.jpgI never thought I'd say that about a British Prime minister, but Brown has really taken a stand. He has outright stated that he wishes to be nowhere remotely close to Robert "I harm my own people" Mugabe.What a boy. Meanwhile the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, came with the thunder declaring her rage against human rights injustices. Then she sits with Thabo Mbeki and crumbles.What is that? She has come forward and endorsed Mugabe's presence at a summit to take place in Lisbon. She's an idiot, that's what I have to say. She has done so many incredible things already in her short time as chancellor. But then she endorses Big Bad Bob's presence?This is bad because other EU leaders are as ficle as she is and will jump on the "support bob harming his country" bandwagon.I applaud Gordon Brown for his blatant disdain for that tosser Mugabe and I only wish that other leaders will take the same, not a similar, the same stand. I cannot for the life of me understand how any leader of any country can willingly stand in the presence of a "leader" like Mugabe. Does it not repulse them?Screw the "politics" of the situation. Good men and women need to take a bloody stand and make the evil men dissapear (interpret that as you like).Surely if someone wanted Bob dead, he would be dead already. With all the conpiracy theories running around the world about JFK's assasination and every other political situation, here's one for you:Someone wants Bob alive and in power. Someone, somewhere is shit scared of information that Bob has on them. It may have been the Blair/Bush administration, but that is now gone and Brown's administration is pissed off with Bob. Good.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Clive Simpkins tells it like it is

This morning I was forwarded a url to an article off the moneyweb blog sites. Mr Clive Simpkins has written a fantastic article about the wonders of our Prez Mr "Denial" Mbeki. Simpkins has a wondrous way of placing idle banter amongst phenomenal discussion and intricate thought.Give this article a read and let me know what you think. I was very, very impressed by his discussion, opinion and style of writing.

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