Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

YouTube Meets God

...and then there was GODTUBE!Can you hack it? I must say that I think the creators of this site are probably going to be incredibly rich. The Christian faith is expansive and many are wealthy. As much as I will not be using this site for much, or anything for that matter, I do think there is a huge faction of people who will.Check it out as soon as you feel that you have found god. - Broadcasting him. hehehegodtube.gif

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Fresh Faced Comic - Crazy Comedian

This is the newest of the new threads that Shutterview will feature. The Fresh Faced Comic is my attempt to uncover new and interesting comedians that make me laugh. I will be making use of You Tube's video sharing amongst other sources to uncover and expose comedians that I have never heard of or want to see more of. So if there are any suggestions email me or comment on this thread!Crazy ComedianThis dude is absolutely nuts. I couldn't help but absolutely piss myself laughing at how insane his routine is. Have a look and prepare to be amazed.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

You Tube Politics

Sky News (I know, I know, alot of sky news) has broadcast a story about the political usefulness of the internet and in particular sites like YouTube. Appararently certain senators in the U.S of A are being 'tailed' by their opposition and filmed at every possible moment. These films obviously catch senators saying stupid American-like things that the public is shocked to hear and see when it is put on the internet (personally, no shock from my side).Basically, one senator noticed this man filming and pointed him out at a rally. The filming had already been done and the stupidness already recorded. This film was placed on YouTube and recieved dumploads of views and comments. Another Senator was caught on camera saying that no one in the States can go in to a corner shop anymore unless they are Asian or Indian. What the hell was he thinking to himself as he said those words. Wait, I know, he thought: "Self, no one is going to remember this, no one will know I've even said it." Sorry for you Bucko, your idiocy has been eternalised for every political analysed and voter to scrutinise through the internet. Ya Moron.I think that this movement is incredible in regard to politics. I think that candidates need to be shown as human, normal people who screw up. People who make mistakes while running for office and who will probably make a mistake while in office. Let the public see the blunders and vote accordingly.

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