Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

What happened to Hollywood accents?

This trailer is about Germans, in Germany, an uprising of ZeGermanz. So can someone please tell my why Tom Cruise has an Americanese accent? C'mon Charlize Theron dropped her Saffa accent for you Americans, now can you please play fair and even attempt an accent in a movie?Or is it possible that there was an American in the war fighting with zegermanz who tried to bring forth and uprising upon Hitler??

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

High Fidelity - Music and Movies

I absolutely love High Fidelity. If you haven't seen it, what the hell is wrong with you?Here's a clip:There are some definitive reasons that make me love this film. It integrates a few of my favourite things.1. John Cusack is a phenomenal actor.2. Quirky and fast conversation, dialogue and monologue. Brilliant.3. Music and opinion about music.4. Jack black as a supporting actor is incredible.5. Scepticism and slight insanity.6. The feeling of a cult hit, underground culture and subversive messages of disdain for society and pop norms.If you haven't seen this film, rent it. Now.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Movie week in review - Harry Potter and Fantastic Flop

I have been to the movies twice this week. I enjoy the movies, the experience, popcorn, smarties, slush puppie. Gotta love it.Tuesday: Fantastic FourThey should really have named this movie Fantastic Flop or Fantasticly-Long-Movie-With-Lots-Of-Prolonged-Moments-Staring-In-To-Eyes. Seriously. I was extremely disapointed with this piece of comic-turned movie cinema sequel. Too many love scenes, too much focus on Alba and doctor McGeekPants getting married and not enough focus on the story line of THE WORLD ENDING. Terrible. There was even a dancing scene in the movie. Do me a favour.To swiftly move on, Friday: Harry Potter and the blah blah blahThis movie was incredible good. I loved every second of it and I attribute this to the fact that I haven't read the books. By not reading the books I was able to go in to the film with no expectations. The plot was dark, the characters have evolved and the film is definitely not for kids. I am so impressed (having seen all of the films) with the writing and the developing story line. The characters have grown with their audience and epitomise the turmoil that a teenager in the real world would be facing.I wont give away anything about the plot or who dies... if anyone dies! All I will say is, he is back and meaner than before. Lookout. Do yourself a favour and see this film.So, that's that for the weekend I think. Enjoy.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

The Secret To Everything - I Promise

The Law of Attraction. That is it. Right there. The end, the beggining, the solution and the secret.You think I'm talking rubbish don't you? Well I'm not. I promise. I am talking about attracting the things that you want, in to your life. Don't get me wrong, I am no genius, no expert and no kind of Secret guru at all. I am simply someone who lives his life doing positive things and reaping the benefit. In fact, as of late, I am a person who has seen a light of sorts.This light came in the form of a movie/documentary (movie-mentary) that I watched recently: The Secret.The Secret is a movie-mentary that explains The Secret. To what I hear you ask? To everything. The secret to wealth, happiness, health, success and anything else that you want. The Secret is simple, the implementation of The Secret however is a whole other ball game.The movie-mentary explains that the law of attraction is an integral part of every persons life. If you are constantly talking about and fussing over debt then that is precisely what you attract to yourself. Even if you are talking about getting out of debt you are still telling the Universe that you are in debt and that is what you are focusing on. Focus instead, as an example, on telling yourself that you are wealthy, you are happy, you are safe, secure and going to earn R50 000 this month. This is then what you will attract to yourself.If you are constantly berating your life and the Universe's effect thereon then this is what will happen in return. The movie-mentary talks of the genie in the bottle and the 3 wishes that are presented when the lamp is rubbed. Apparently this is not a myth of any sort, this is a belief system that people have believed in forever. In place of the genie read "Universe" in place of Aladin read "Your Name". Then try this: When you fuss over debt and focus all your energy on that the Universe (Genie) answers: "Your wish is my command". Thus in this way you are wishing yourself debt.This is where the difficult part comes in. Everyone knows that if you are constantly negative, positive things can't happen to you. Have you tried to think 100% positively lately? It's tough. This is the art to mastering the secret.I am not claiming that if you sit on your butt 24/7 and wish for riches, the love of your life and a Ferrari that they will magically appear. This is not true at all in my opinion. I do believe that if you positively live your life with correlating positive thought and visualisation that you will come out on top in a very large way.It's not easy to change the way you live and think and talk, but it is necessary. Write down your goals, realistic or pipe dreams and do as much as you can to progress towards these goals. Whether what you do is conscious or subconscious you will still be conditioning yourself to achieve that greatness that you are owed. The trick is to believe that you are owed greatness.

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