Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Things I've learnt in the past two weeks

Being sick over the past while I've learned a few things that I think are worth sharing:1. I am not indispensable - so take more time for myself.2. The more you blog the more people will read.3. If you blog too much people get irritated and stop reading.4. Idle hands end up with threats of legal action.5. Only start something when you know you can finish it.6. The high ground is not always the dry ground.7. Giving your employees more responsibility:I left work and my colleague was lumped with a load of my work. I did work from home but he was pushed to work on things that were outside of his job description. This has seemingly provided him with some insight in to my job and me with some insight in to his. He now works ten times harder and takes pride in knowing that he can do my job if he needs to and know that I can rely on him to do more important things for me.8. Listen to your mates, sometimes they have a pearl of wisdom even if they are swines. I really think that the things I have listed above are important if you take note of them. If you don't think about them it might seem that they are irrelevant and don't apply to you, but I suggest you pick one and try it. Some are easier to implement than others so maybe start with something that is less taxing on your time.Maybe try blogging a bit more. Take Saturdays and Sundays and write 5 blog post over these two days. Then set their timestamps and post them one a day throughout the week. This way if you want to blog more as topical issues come up you will be showing a minimum of one post a day and a maximum of however many posts you can manage in the week.

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