Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Wordpress v2.3 - Tags, Posts and more

Last night with the gracious assistance of one Hartman, I upgraded SA Rocks to Wordpress v2.3.To be honest, this process is not simple for an ignoramus such as myself. It involves database backups, theme backups (which I neglected to do) and plugin deactivation. Sounds pretty easy, but when your entire blogs history is dependant on your capabilities you start to doubt those capabilities.But nevertheless I went forward with the upgrade. I was going to install Ultimate Tag Warrior to handle all my tagging on the various posts, but alas I was disuaded because the new WP has built in tagging capabilities.So here is my immediate impression of the new WP upgrade:1. Posts are easier to manage in the admin section. You can search by status, date, author, category or simply enter a search term. This I love.2. Built in tagging. This is a brilliant update that has been made. I love tagging and this makes it doable right there in your post editor.3. Plugin updates. These have become automated. Now before you get all happy about that, it simply means that you are automatically told when a new update is available for your installed plugins. This might not seem like a great improvement, but wow what a time-saver.I am having some issues with the tagging process on SA Rocks. For some reason when I publish a post with tags, the tags don't actually click through to anything buy an error page. Does anyone have any advice?Then the next stupid thing that I hastily screwed up was my categories. WP v2.3 offers you the ability to make your categories, tags. I wasn't 100% sure what this meant, and hell, I'm still not sure. But what I do know is that out of my carefully crafted 40 or so categories, I am now only left with about 6 (4 of which I recreated) after "converting" them to tags.Now that they are tags, can someone tell me what the hell that means for my blogging?That's my only major gripe with the upgrade. Otherwise I had a good guide through the process and happy with the results.A word of advice: Ensure that you back up EVERYTHING that you want to keep as is on your current blog before upgrading. I didn't save a copy of my most recent updates on the SA Rocks theme and I had to do some of them over. Not fun.

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