Nic’s blog

I write about building businesses, failing and building a life, not a legacy.

Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Young bloggers in South Africa

A while back I read a few blog posts that spoke of young bloggers abroad making waves and finding great success.I am relatively young but I think that these posts are referring to bloggers younger than I am.Where are the young bloggers under the age of 21 in SA? Are there any and if not, why not?I can't think of any and don't read any but that doesn't mean they don't exist. But is there really value for this sort of market in SA? Should we be looking for the next big thing now and getting them online and benefiting from their potential success? Is this exploitation?I am also extremely interested to discuss what the next generation of bloggers will look like.Should there be a batch of teenagers coming to the fore? Surely if blogging was taking off as much as bloggers think it would be reaching the younger generation and adopting the practice of blogging?Could this be a sign that blogging is not all that it's cracked up to be and it isn't growing at the rate we all think it is? With so many teenagers on Facebook and using Mxit in SA in my mind it makes sense that some of them should be, could be and would be publishing their own content on blogs. But they just aren't. Why?

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Aqua Bimini - Stay young forever

Can you believe that it has come to this?There is actually a company that is advertising anti-aging water, for real. I have seen the TV advert and actually had to visit the website just to see if this insanity is actually true. It is, or at least it seems to be for now.To be fair, I am the one saying that you can stay young forever, not them. They just claim that the water will help your DNA repair better over time. Apparently there is "proof" of their claims but to be honest I didn't really understand much of the information provided.Have a look:aqua_bimini.jpg
As you can see the product is called Aqua Bimini and people seem to think it's working - wonder how much they have been paid to think that?These people think it's the way forward, or something:aqua-drinkers.jpg

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Striking, Violence and Idiots

12% is one helluva increase don't you think? I do. I understand that there needs to be an increase, I really do and the teachers, nurses and other public servants definitely need the recognition and the increase.Is it not possible however, to note that an increase of this size cannot be afforded by our government?At the end of the day the only people who are suffering are those who need care and those who need to be educated. Wake up and smell the injustice.

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Nic Haralambous Nic Haralambous

Young Dumb And Full Of ...

Being a young entrepreneur has opened my eyes to numerous things in the last year. The most amazing of all of these things is the astounding amount of young people doing incredible things.Be it entrepreneurs, media practitioners, young accountants, academics or wood importers (yes, there are people who import wood), there are young people succeeding and making millions.It really does beg the questing though, how do we manage? How do these young and successful people deal with the pressure of being broke, being wealthy, carrying employees, salaries, decisions, organisations, reputations, meetings, dinners, parties, presentations, financials, tax, registrations and more? How?I am not sure that all of these young go getters are managing to do all of this to be honest. I am sick of seeing people loving life, happy as the day is long and rich as shit. Bull. Ask any entrepreneur and they will tell you that their success did not come easy and did not come fast. It came after planning, work, failure and diligence.There are many young people in the SA industry at the moment who are youthful, talented and going to be successful. There are also many people who are young and talented but who are also arrogant, naive, idiotic and moronic if they think that the sun shines out of their ass and the job will make them who they want to be.You make the job, the job does not ever make you. Let's just be honest here for a second, reputation is not everything, practical experience and a history of success is. Your friends make you, you on the same level, make your friends. Do not let the job taint your life, your lively hood and your friends. There is more, at our age (my age of 23) than the job. There really is.

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