Why Greeks Cannot be terrorists

As we all know I am a South African Greek and proud of it, but I just could not help but post this:Why Greeks can't be Terrorists':10. 8:45 is too early for us to be up to board a flight.9. We are always late. We would have missed all four 9-11 flights.8. Good looking people on the plane would distract us.7. We would talk loudly and bring attention to ourselves.6. With food and drinks on the plane we would wind up dancing.5. We talk with our hands, so we would have put our weapons down.4. We would all want to fly the plane.3. We would argue politics and start a fight in the plane.2. We would have put the Greek flag on the windshield of the plane.And the number one reason why Greeks can't be terrorists:1. We would have told everyone a week before what we were going to do.


Max rocks SA


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